Missions & Outreach Ministry- October 2019

In spite of the fact that he was initially stricken with a mild case of altitude sickness when he accompanied me and my ministry partner, Raul, to Lahuaytambo in the Spring of 2018, Pastor Jose Apon returned to Lima with a heart-felt commitment to lead the members of his congregation in a season of prayer through which they would seek God’s direction on how to successfully engage the Huanca Quecha people of Lahuaytambo with the Gospel. He reasoned that his church’s close proximity to the village, about 90 kilometers, would make it possible for them to carry out numerous missions each year, thereby building on the foundation of a Christian presence in the village which we have been seeking to establish there since 2011. Encouraged by IMB Missionaries David and Cameron Olson, who are members of his church, Pastor Jose has persisted in promoting this opportunity for the church to reach out to their fellow Peruvians who, though different than themselves, still need a Savior. Please join me in praying that the church in Lima will soon follow their pastor’s lead and begin a consistent, effectual ministry in Lahuaytambo. Also, be in prayer for the seven believers in the village, that they may be strengthened daily by the Holy Spirit to stand firm in the face of persecution, and that the Light of Christ might shine brightly through them, that their fellow villagers might see their “good works and glorify the Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16. 

On Mission With Him,